How big a Garden? How much seed?
March 2nd, 2012All our seeds are open pollinated varieties. You can save seeds from your garden and they will grow to be the same crops. None of our seeds are Genetically Modified. None of our seeds are Hybrid. Each kind of seed I sell has been carefully chosen to be hardy, reliable and easy to grow. I do not offer seeds which will cross pollinate in our collections such as including both Beets and Swiss Chard, or more than one kind of tomato.
The most popular product I sell is Our Super Survival Pack. It comes in a Medium Flat Rate Postal box and weighs about four pounds. This size box holds more than three of the large #10 cans used for some long term storage foods. The #10 cans measure about 6 inches in diameter and 6.5 inches tall. The Medium Flat Rate box measures 5.5 X 8.5 X 11 inches.
All seeds I sell are varieties I grow in my own garden routinely. I have been growing our food here for many, many years. This is a breakdown of how much area you will need in your garden for one of Our Super Survival Packs. The numbers are the square feet of garden space for each of six groups of seeds.
Indian Corn, Rye and Hulless Oats- 1090 sq/ft
Peas + Beans- 1125 sq/ft
Tomato Plants- 2250 sq/ft
Cabbage- 630 sq/ft
Winter Squash + Sugar Pumpkins- 1280 sq/ft
Other vegetables- 1113 sq/ft
The total number of corn and vegetable seeds in Our Super Survival Pack is about 5,500 and the Small Grain seeds are about 30,220 for a grand total of 36,220 seeds. This will grow an enormous size garden enabling you to eat fresh and preserve vegetables as well as grains. Corn, beans and peas can be dried for long term storage. Tomatoes can be dried as well as canned. We can juice and whole tomatoes. Cabbage can be preserved by making sauerkraut. Our late cabbage keeps for months in a root cellar. Winter squash keeps for months if placed in a cool dry room. Pumpkins keep until the end of December if put in a cool dry room. These vegetables can also be cut into pieces and air dried just as our forefathers did. Cucumbers are delightful pickled as are peppers and beets. Turnips keep in a root cellar for months and are delicious as a vegetable or added to soups.
Everyone needs to eat so why not learn how to garden and save your own seeds. Then you can harvest fresh foods from your own garden. On my website I show you how I grow, harvest and preserve all these crops and much more. Open-pollinated seeds may just be more precious than gold in the future.