
Herbs 5 Cottage Industry, and the 'new' Economy
Our Economy is highly specialized. People work at jobs to provide products and services for some small and often distant market. Most of what we buy has come great distances and is a part of International trade. We rely heavily on oil, but don't produce or refine enough for our own country. In tougher times, people had to go back to using what was locally produced. Centuries ago, any imported item was very expensive. Mass production and trade have built huge Economies, bringing us modern conveniences, and paying for... Read more →
New Search Feature
We've added a search feature that's available at the top of each page. This search box will allow you to find products, photos, articles and links on our website. Enjoy! As always, feel free to comment on the new feature with the Contact Us page. Read more →
Articles Section
We've updated the blog section with a sort feature. By default all of the articles are sorted into categories. With a simple click of the mouse, you can sort the articles alphabetically or by date, with the newest article on top. If you can think of another way you'd like to be able to sort the articles, or have a comment about the new system feel free to contact us. Read more →
Corn Stalks and Silk Simple Recipes
Nan's favorite Bread and Butter Pickle Recipe- 3 Quarts Cucumbers 1 Quart Sweet Peppers 6 Onions 20 Whole Cloves of Garlic 1/2 cup Pickling Salt Slice the cucumbers , peppers and onions into thin slices. mix with salt and garlic. Cover with ice and let stand for 3 hours under a cloth. Then make pickling solution as follows Bring to boil- 3 cups cider vinegar 4 cups sugar 1 tsp. Tumeric 2 tsp. Celery Seeds 2 Tbsp. Mustard Seeds Drain the water and ice from cucumber mixture and... Read more →
Now Taking Orders
We have just put the finishing touches on the products section. We currently offer one product, a collection of vegetable seeds. We've also added some links to important parts of the website on the homepage. Let us know what you think here. Enjoy! Read more →
Sealed for Their Protection Long Term Seed Storage
My seed collections come sealed in aluminum coated vapor barrier bags. Inside the pouches are a desiccant packet to absorb excess moisture. Our seed collections and grains should keep for 5 to 10 years because I seal and protect them. My collections may be safely stored in your refrigerator or freezer for even longer storage. If you choose to refrigerate or freeze the seed collections, be sure to take them out and let the seeds return to room temperature for a day before planting. To store other seeds like... Read more →
Crimson Clover cover crop 2 Beans, Beans, Beans!
Beans are the most important single garden crop. Once fully mature, they provide protein. Peas and lentils are part of the same family too. I like both of those, but I'd much rather choose from the milder beans to eat every day. They are all Legumes, which means they can use Nitrogen from the air to make protein. Other vegetables or grains can't do that. Peanuts, clover and alfalfa are in the Legume family too. The plant residue after the final harvest should be cultivated in, to share the Nitrogen... Read more →
Pumpkins and Squash Winter Squash and Pumpkins
These are ideal crops to grow because they are so easy to keep in a cool dry place. For back room storage, select sound fruit, free of surface damage. Let it cure in a sunny but dry place, such as a porch or car port. Later, If your house is still too warm, a dry barn or shed is fine until colder weather. Then you can safely bring them inside. During this whole process, protect them from freezing. You should check them about once a week. If you find a... Read more →
Indian Flint Corn Drying Food Security for the 21st Century
I offer the finest open pollinated garden and grain seeds. None of my seeds are genetically modified. They are time tested varieties with proven reliability. I have many years of experience saving seeds. I have selected the most important varieties to choose from. How did I determine which foods are the most important? The first criterion is to select varieties which are reliable every year, and can be grown in both colder and warmer areas of the USA. There may be global warming or cooling in our future; either way,... Read more →
Steaming Apple juice 3 Apples in a Steam Juicer
I produce a fine tasting apple juice in my Mehu-Liisa steam extractor. It tastes more like cider, and is fairly thick and very rich in flavor. For drinking, I dilute it with an equal amount of water. It is also great to add when roasting pork, and can be added to baked goods for extra flavor and nutrition. It is bottled hot, and keeps indefinitely right on the shelf, like any other canned good. You can use apples which have blemishes, and would not keep in the root cellar. From... Read more →